This Five Facts Friday post will feature new author Trudy Stiles, whose upcoming book is “Dear Emily,” expected to drop in the fall or winter of this year. “Dear Emily” will be the first book in the “Forever Family” series.
CURE FOR WRITERS BLOCK: Going for a run to clear my mind and music. “I always plug into iTunes while I write; certain songs make my characters come to life.”
FAVORITE TIME TO WRITE: After 10 p.m. “My evenings are hectic with dinner and family. We like to watch TV together before the kids go to bed and by the time I wind down, it’s usually late. I typically cannot write during the day because there are too many distractions.”
GUILTY PLEASURE: “Big Brother” (TV Show). “I’ve been watching this show since the beginning and I have a love to hate relationship with it and the house guests! I’m addicted!”
IF I COULD LIVE ANYWHERE, IT WOULD BE: Coastal Oregon. Why? “Have you been there? God it’s just gorgeous; both stunning and peaceful.”
FAVORITE SUPER POWER: Speed. “I wish I could zip around my house and tidy it up in under a minute. Folding my mountains of laundry would take only second!”
You can follow Trudy on Facebook.
If you’re an author and want to be featured on Five Facts Friday, reach out to me.

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