Time to meet another great author…Jackson Paul Baer, whose new book, “The Earth Bleeds Red,” published by Pandamoon Publishing, is due out October 18th. Here are Jackson’s five fact picks:
Favorite Time to Write – Night
Best Way to Turn Around a Bad Day – Tell someone close to you that you love them.
If you could live anywhere, it would be — Ireland because I went there last November with my wife, and it stole my heart.
If you could have chosen, during which time period would you most have liked to have grown up? Any time before 1900. While it would have been a completely different world, most people still read back then
Guilty Pleasure – Orange Rockstar (sugar free, recovery)
You can catch up with Jackson here:
Jackson Paul Baer Official Website
He’s also running a Goodreads giveaway for 3 autographed copies:
Check out his book’s promo video:
Promo Video

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