Normally, I ask another author to guest post on Fridays, but today I was asked to answer some questions in preparation of the Summer’s End Sizzlin’ Sale starting tomorrow. So here it goes…a peek into my mind. (Don’t worry. I’m having a PG morning.)
1. Favorite Book Cover
Without a doubt, “Die for Me” by Amy Plum is my current favorite cover. I was lucky enough to visit Paris this month so I’m just dying myself to get my hands on this book.
But with so many beautiful covers, how can I pick just one? I can’t…I also love “Star Kissed” by Lizzy Ford.
2. Main Source of Inspiration
The benefits of an active imagination are that I find inspiration in the most mundane of daily experiences. I’ve also got super keen hearing…I’m talking dog ears…and my bad habit of eavesdropping in the grocery checkout line always gives me something to write about.
3. Secret Food Addiction
Brown sugar. I love it on bananas, in sauces, you name it! It even goes in my coffee.
4. Dream Hottie
I’m not unlike many of my readers in that I imagine spending a night with James from “Released” would be pretty amazing. And, if he looks like this…even more reason.
5. Favorite Quote
As a writer I often think of Steve Martin’s words: “Be so good they can’t ignore you.” And, I can’t just leave you with one quote because this adaptation of Ghandi’s words are too brilliant to not include: “Be the change you want to see in the world.”
Words to live by.

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