Tara Paradise is set to release her debut novel, “From This Moment,” in December of this year. Given her answers on these Five Facts Friday random questions, I can tell she’s a girl after my own heart.
FAVORITE COMFORT FOOD: I’m a cupcake kinda girl! Lemon Raspberry and Chocolate Coconut are my faves.
FAVORITE MOVIE OF ALL TIME: “You’ve Got Mail” because it’s the best romantic comedy ever! I ♥ Meg Ryan & Tom Hanks together on screen. Plus, it involves one of my favorite things ~~ books!
IF I COULD LIVE ANYWHERE, IT WOULD BE: Italy because it’s simply Bella! And because the sexiest, most romantic men in the world are Italian. I should know…I married one!
FAVORITE SUPER POWER: I would LOVE to possess Wonder Woman’s Magic Lasso of Truth.
BEST SUGGESTION FOR TURNING AROUND A BAD DAY: Wrapping my arms around my two little boys and hugging them tight. There’s nothing better than that!
You can find Tara on Facebook.