When it comes to launching a new story, what comes first for you? Is it the setting, the plot, or a character quirk? In other words, what’s your own personal chicken or the egg of story telling?
What I love most about being a writer, or perhaps it’s the reason I am a writer, is that inspiration and ideas can strike at any moment. I was reading an article in Travel & Leisure magazine about the best adventure destinations and I was immediately struck that any one of these would make a great setting for a book.
For this reason, I believe with all of my heart and soul that a writer must also be a voracious reader. Sure, we don’t always have time to launch into a full book, so when life gets busy at least read a magazine. The point is to read anything you can get your hands on.
I’m sure if you’re a writer you have a vivid imagination, but that doesn’t mean your ideas don’t get stale every once in awhile. It’s good to stir things up and turn to new sources for inspiration.
Besides, it’s fun to get lost in ideas. With regards to the article and photos that recently inspired me, they were also a welcome reprieve considering that I didn’t get away this past summer on a vacation. Here they are for you to enjoy…and perhaps gain inspiration from as well.
Travel and Leisure Best Vacation Destinations

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