As a writer, this is my favorite time of year. Not because of the abundance of chocolate lurking and ripe for the taking thanks to my kids’ trick or treating efforts. Not because of the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday. But because I say goodbye daylight savings and cheer that it coincides with #NaNoWriMo — national novel writing month.
The house is dark and my internal clock hasn’t yet adjusted to the new time change. So, rather than force the issue, I’m up at 5:30 — an hour before the rest of the house — and this time is mine to write! Halloween may be over, but I’m still Mistress of the Darkness.
For one hour, I won’t be making school lunches, feeding the dogs, catching up on laundry, locating homework, or any of the other what seems like 250 million chores that occur between the hours of 6:30 a.m. and 7:30 a.m. when the mad dash to three different schools takes place.
Writing. That’s all I’m doing. NaNoWriMo kicking off is a bonus. Sure, it would be nice to have 50,000 words under my belt in a month, but my real goal is to just keep with the schedule of devoting this extra hour a day to my novel.
So, if it you haven’t adjusted to the time difference, embrace the darkness! Get your write on.

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