My peach tree died but my writing is alive and well. This might sound like a Twitter tweet and indeed, at 53 characters it could be one, but it’s also my daily dose of inspiration.
True, I’m a horrible gardener. Although I love staring at Pinterest photos of beautiful gardens and the idea of going outside to pick my own fruit or vegetables sounds like a glorious lesson to teach my children, I just don’t have the passion for it.
Perhaps it’s also a matter of time. I live in a very hot climate and to give that peach tree the attention it needed would have meant hours of pruning, weeding around its base, creating a barrier so it was protected from gophers, and yes…water. Too bad there’s a draught going on and my area was told to lay off the excessive watering. But the truth is whenever it was cool enough outside to do this work, I chose to sit in front of my computer with my stories.
Passion + Time Put In = Success
I have it for my writing, but not so much for my garden. But I’ve decided to be okay with that. Pursue your passions and watch yourself flourish!
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