What makes you happy? We all have days that don’t go our way. That guy on the freeway cut you off, the writing doesn’t flow, the dog chews the leg of your table. You get the picture. But this is the time when you need to turn to that thing…that wonderful whatever that makes you happy. Is it an activity, a book, a bit of time carved out just for you? Let’s share what makes us happy and spread that feeling of goodwill.
This past weekend my family celebrated our second son’s 13th birthday. Becoming a teen is definitely a milestone birthday. Naturally, my husband and I reflected on “where has all the time gone” and how fortunate we felt for having this precious time with our family (while the three kids are young and actually want to spend time with us!).
I often joke that my books are also like children and that each one needs to be born. With some, the labor is harder than others. But while I’m writing and once they’re published, each one needs to be nurtured. Like children, sometimes they surprise you. Every once in awhile the writing takes on a life of its own and just flows. This is akin to when your child soars in school and brings home a smile along with a good grade. Then there’s the times when your book doesn’t get the best review. It’s kind of like when your child was bullied on the playground. You feel bad for them, but ultimately, you have to teach your children to pick themselves back up and carry on. It’s the same with writing.
Family…books…writing…these are what make me happy.
In the spirit of self-reflection and appreciation, I thought it would be fun for everyone to share what makes them happy — the serious and the humorous. Tell me two things you’re thankful for and two guilty pleasures…okay, maybe three guilty pleasures, or if you’re like me, then four!
Here are mine:
I’m thankful for family and the ability to self-publish.
My guilty pleasures include (in no particular order) morning coffee, avocados, romance novels and dark chocolate.
What are yours?