Where do ideas come from? If you’re a writer, they grow in the delightful and maybe even deranged recesses of our minds. When I first started writing in college I always worried, “What if my mother sees this?” I’ve gotten over that.
It’s not that I don’t care what my mother thinks. On the contrary, even as an adult I still strive to make her happy. But, now that I’m a mother too, I know that she probably feels happiest when she knows that I’m enjoying my life. And what makes me happy? Writing like a demon, letting the words pour out, and not worrying if the material isn’t appealing to everyone out there. After all, would we really want to live in such a vanilla world? (Apologies to vanilla lovers out there.)
That’s what makes the book world so amazing. There’s something for everyone. And what makes my job so rewarding is that I can find an audience for some of my more liberal titles such as “Ready for the Yeti,” “Going Steady with the Yeti,” and “Ethel and the Merman.”
Granted, these light erotica titles aren’t for everyone, which is why I also write paranormal romance and romantic chick-lit. But I love writing these novelettes. They’re fun, light, and not meant to be taken too seriously. I’m currently at work on “The Scent of the Centaur” and I just might let my mother read it.

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