Summer Book Blast

Summer Book Blast
There’s nothing better than slow summer days, relaxing with a good book. And guess what? Summer is arriving early this year with an event to rival all others. It’s the Summer Book Blast taking place this weekend, May 24-27.

Summer Book Blast Details

During this weekend, you can find 68 fabulous books in various genres by a multitude of equally amazing authors. The best part? They’re all priced at only .99 for the entire weekend.

You’ll find books by Lizzy Ford, Julia Crane, and yep, myself as well. I hope you’ll take advantage of this opportunity to sample my debut book, “Released,” for only .99. There will also be $1,000 in prizes offered. Mark your calendars and get ready for the sale!


Inspiration Abounds

I’m always fascinated by where novelists find their inspiration. I’ve heard more than once that writers have an uncanny ability to eavesdrop on any conversation, and I must admit that I fall into this category. But I’m afraid that’s not the last of my bad habits…

Another faux pas of mine shows up every time I go grocery shopping. I cannot help but glance at the shopping cart items of those around me. And, since my writing appeals more to women than men, you can bet that if there’s a hot guy in line, I’m going to fall into place behind him. It’s research, after all!

I need to know what ready-made dinner a bachelor pairs with his Amstell Light. On those rare occasions that I set my eyes upon a gorgeous guy who’s also a food aficionado, I can kiss writer’s block goodbye. In case you’re wondering how to spot a foodie hottie — check out if one of these items has found its way into his cart: fresh basil, goat cheese, or mushrooms. I swear, it’s true.

My character, James, from “Released” (book 1 of the Romani Realms series) is a hunky bartender and supernatural Shade — that’s a protector in human speak. He also knows how to seduce with food and has given leading lady Suki more than a mouthful of delicacies. While there are aspects of his personality that are based on my sweet husband, I can’t deny that bits of him came straight from the grocery check out line. Who knew that Trader Joe’s could be so much fun?


Contest Winners Announced!

My first Goodreads contest for the launch of “Released” was a great success. Over 400 people marked “Released” as a ‘to be read’ book on their shelf. I am so honored and humbled by this — thank you to all.

Congratulations to the following lucky readers who will be sent “Released” copies by Evatopia Press:

Rosamaria Hernandez
Becca Schaffer
Malena Radeva
Fernando Velas
Carolyn Valdez

You should receive your copies within 7-10 days. Thank you to everyone who entered the chance to receive a copy and stay tuned for future contests.


Guest Post from Author Kerry Connelly

Kerry Connelly is the author of “Observation City.” Here she gives a wonderful preview of this entertaining read…

Have you ever considered how much the idea of superstition could impact our lives? Or the concept that we may all very well have been born with a karmic tally board of which we can accumulate and lose points throughout life?

Have you just had a rubbish chain of first dates, ever been called ‘snappy,’ had an unattainable love, or has someone ever asked to buy your knickers?

In this hilarious and fascinating look into the ideas of life and the behaviours of the people in it, Kerry Connelly manages to ask questions that you may not have even considered. From dead end jobs to a woman’s resume and taking control of your dreams, “Observation City” has been noted as a ‘charismatic companion for a fun, interesting and highly entertaining read.’

Full of witty reflections and situations relatable to women and men alike. “Observation City” is one light and enjoyable read.


“Whoever thought the idea of cupid to be a romantic one? If I saw a man in diapers walking toward me with a bow and arrow, I’d scream for security and run the other way! In what crazy world did a man with a weapon become the poster image for love and romance?” – Cupid’s Sly Eye.

Roll up, roll up! Your first big breath buys you a ticket to the most thrilling event of them all – The Karma Carnival. Earn tokens as you go, take a ride on the ‘what goes around comes around’ and guide your way through the maze of fun house mirrors. Enjoy the Karma Carnival although it never advertises when it’s coming to town. – Karma Points.

“Observation City” is available worldwide and soon to released on kindle. Stay up to date via Kerry’s page and website:

Kerry’s FB page

Kerry’s website

Where to buy “Observation City”:
(Free shipping)

Book Depository



Or, check your favourite site.
