Sexy food doesn’t have to mean oysters. Here are four downright sexy foods that you can easily find, prepare, and they’re not slimy.
Black Raspberries
As a romance author, I know that reading a sexy book can get you into the right mindset for romance. The same result can be found by eating certain foods. Black raspberries have been found to boost your libido and increase sexual stamina. Berry up!
Ginseng Tea
If you’re planning an evening with your man, it can’t hurt to have a bit of caffeine in your system. Late nights are more fun when fatigue doesn’t strike. However, not all caffeine is equal when it comes to your sex drive. Ginseng tea has a multitude of sexy properties. It increases sexual satisfaction and can help prevent or lessen erectile dysfunction.
Initially, the idea of saffron as one of the four downright sexy foods had me thrown for a loop. I had never thought of those little red strings of spice in that way. They seemed so innocent, a mere spice. And that’s when it hit me. It made so much sense. Why not turn to a spice when you want to spice things up? Saffron isn’t just any old spice. Pure saffron is actually the world’s most expensive spice. Here are the details: A Canadian review of 150 international studies found that saffron both enhances sexual performance and satisfaction. No wonder Indian guys with their chocolate complexions and white teeth are so damned sexy.
As the saying goes, “First come sex, then comes marriage, then comes a baby in a baby carriage!” If you’re wanting to conceive, fill up on strawberries. They contain lots of vitamin C, which raises sperm count. They also help to improve circulation, which is important for men and women’s sexual satisfaction. For an added sexy twist, coat your strawberries in chocolate, which is known to boost libido.
In a previous post, I wrote about ultimate dating foods. I’d love to hear your meal planning ideas around this list of four downright sexy foods. Feel free to drop me a line. Or, you could always just have a bowl of berries, a cup of tea, sprinkle in some saffron, and see what happens next.