Going out to eat is one of the most common ways to spend a date. It can be a wonderful entry into a relationship as you linger over witty conversation or it can result in a never again attitude as manners are tested. Avoid these 5 worst date foods to ensure your dinner date results are strictly romantic.
It might have been cute for Lady and the Tramp, but spaghetti (or any long noodle) oozing with sauce that dares to drip down your chin, onto the white linen tablecloth or even worse, across your shirt, should be avoided on a first date. It’s unlikely that your date will grab the opposite end of the noodle in order to gain a kiss and let’s face it, wouldn’t that be kind of creepy?
Peanut butter
True, a restaurant probably won’t have peanut butter sandwiches on the menu, but there’s always a chance that your first date might be a picnic outing. If so, avoid these. Unless you’re both partaking, the smell is offensive and today, peanut allergies run rampant. Wouldn’t want to put your date into anaphylactic shock before you get a second chance.
Do I have to even mention it? Yes, I know garlic is delicious and enhances so many dishes. Giada de Laurentis uses it all the time and let’s face it, she’s adorable. But garlic is not the food of choice for a first date. It’s not just that it causes bad breath, ordering food laden in garlic basically tells your date, “Don’t even think of trying to kiss me goodnight.”
Raw onions
The best friend to garlic, raw onions is also a warning to your date that you want to stay in the friend zone. If you order a burger and tell them to hold the onions, your date will know that you’re thinking of that possible kiss that will come at the end of the evening. Keep the onions and you’re sending a definite message that he’s not worthy of a tasty sacrifice.
Take a hint from “Silver Linings Playbook” and never order cereal on a first date. If you’re a guy and you do this your date is forced to order on par with you, which leaves her with such imaginative choices as jello or a cup of soup. If you’re a girl and you do this, your guy is likely to think you enjoy spending endless hours in your pajamas.
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