As a writer, I’m always looking for new ideas. Fortunately, I have an active imagination and it doesn’t take much to spark it. Case in point…I found Spoon Heaven! No, not spooning…let’s get our mind away from romance for just a minute. I’m really talking about spoons of the utensil variety.
While recently perusing Pinterest…actually, I was lost in the Pinterest portal. I have a tendency to do that. But I digress…while perusing Pinterest I found a cute pin that showed an old spoon that had been used as a kitchen cupboard handle. Rather than go back to my writing, I decided to type in “spoon” in my Pinterest search box and wow! Who even knew that one could get so excited about spoons?
There were spoon wind chimes, spoon necklaces, spoon garden markers. So many choices and such creativity. It was inspiring and it reminded me of why I love writing so much. Inspiration can come from any direction…even a spoon.
Click if you’d like to check out my new Pinterest board dedicated to spoons. Warning: do not view if you have a job to go to!
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