If there’s one thing we all have in common at this time of year is that we are BUSY. I challenge you to accept Your Mission: To Write!
My household is probably a bit like yours at this time of year. One distracted husband, three children wanting to be distracted, and two dogs itching for us to be distracted. (The younger dog got into the mistletoe last week, which resulted into an emergency trip to the vet.)
In the midst of holiday shopping, cooking for parties, and taking care of kids who are off from school, how do you find time to write? I realized that the time isn’t going to magically appear like Santa with his sleigh. I have to make the time. Here are my top three suggestions for keeping the writing flow going even during the holidays.
1. Set a schedule
It doesn’t matter what time of day you write, just do it. Even if it’s only writing a paragraph, it will set the stage for tomorrow’s session. For me, I write first thing in the morning before the kids realize we haven’t done anything. They’re still in their p.j.s and haven’t had time to get bored, thus requiring my attention.
2. Download some tunes
Music is a great inspiration for writing. Determine a scene in your book, even if it’s a future one. Find a song that perfectly describes the mood of that scene — upbeat, melancholy, desperate, happy, angry. Listen and take notes about how you feel. Those notes are going to find a place in your writing.
3. Be observant
With so many people rushing about it’s a perfect time to watch for interesting behavior. Tired of waiting in line? Go ahead and eavesdrop. The holidays tend to bring out heightened emotions whether good or bad. We have high expectations during this time of year and that means human nature is ripe to be picked and selected as part of your next story.
Got another suggestion? I’d love to hear about it!
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